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Poll: Which Polish beer do you want me to test next?

I will start the new year with a poll. When you think of good beer you may think about Belgium, Czech Republic or Germany but Poland also has to offer a number of fine beers and this is your chance to vote for a Polish beer which I then will test on its gluten content. You can vote for EB, Lech or Tyskie.

Which Polish beer do you want me to test next?

  • Tyskie (37%, 22 Votes)
  • EB (34%, 20 Votes)
  • Lech (29%, 17 Votes)

Total Voters: 59

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Polish Beer Gluten Test Low Gluten Free Beer Test Results Coeliac Disease Celiac Sensitive Gluten Sensitivity Intolerance

Poll closed on 23/01/2016.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


Tyskie Gluten Test


  1. Hi there,
    Compliments for a great site. Any chance of you tackling some Italian beers next? Nastro Azzuro, for example?

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      Hi Matthew, thanks. Good idea, let me see if I can get Italian beers here in Germany. Cheers Steffen

  2. Beanny Jim

    Hey Steffan, is there any chance you could run a pay-per-request model and simultaneously test more beers, and cover your costs? I am thinking if you did something like mini- KickStarters, where people could contribute $5-20 towards their chosen brand, and then when you reached the cost of the beer+test strip, you tested the beer and ran the results.

    I know the strips are expensive (which is what prevents me from doing testing myself), but I’d gladly pitch in $10-20 to get a couple of my favourite beers tested (and one’s that I know I can purchase here in Canada).

    Either way – thanks for doing an awesome job!

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      Hi Beanny Jim,
      That’s actually a good idea to get paid for drinking beer and do a bit of testing 😉
      No honestly I do appreciate your idea but it will be difficult to realise. Each payer would like to have their beer tested and possibly tested first. It is not only to get the beer the people want to test it is also time constraints I have. I have a proper job with frequent travel, other hobbies (e.g. football) and I have a family. So my time to run this blog is rather limited and I can only do one test in three/four weeks but no more.
      I also believe in the free internet and don’t want to charge my visitors. In a poll in 2014 – see here http://www.lowgluten.org/1-year-lowgluten-org/ – I asked the visitors if they would accept ads but as you can see my site is still ad free as I am not convinced that this is the right way. But you actually broad me to another idea to let people donate if they are happy with my work. I may realise it that way. I know this won’t help you to get your favourite beers tested but I hope you can understand my reasons.
      Thanks again for your inspiring ideas Beanny Jim!
      Cheers Steffen

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