test the gluten content of your beer

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Coopers Pale Ale Gluten Test

This post is for my Australian friends and loyal visitors Adam and Les. It is hard to find Australian beer in Germany, even the most famous ones like Fosters and XXXX are difficult to get here. According to Adam the best brewery on a large scale is Coopers and luckily I was able to find a shop where I could get Coopers Pale Ale. This beer is not filtered as it is naturally fermented in the bottle, leaving some sediment. From experience I know that filtration is an important factor to reduce gluten so the gluten test result below is no surprise. The filtered ones Coopers Clear and Cloopers Lager are unfortunately not available here.

Beer: Coopers Pale Ale
Producer: Coopers Brewery
Originating country: Australia
Brewing location: Australia
Bottle size: 0.375 l = approx. 12 Oz.
Alcohol by volume: 4.5%
Ingredients: water, barley, hops, yeast

 Coopers Pale Ale Gluten Test Coopers Pale Ale Gluten Test

Test Kit: GlutenTox Home Kit

I tested with a threshold of 20 ppm. The limit of detection depends on the number of drops taken from the extraction solution, please find some more information here.

Test result: A red line appears on the right of the test stick ( T ). The red line is quite weak however, it indicates the presence of gluten equal to or above 20 ppm. The blue line on the left test area ( C ) is a control line and indicates that the extract/sample is suitable, the test has been performed correctly and all reagents are active. Even though this test is positive please note it is not a medical advice – see my facts page.

Coopers Pale Ale Gluten Test


Firestone Walker Pale 31 Gluten Test


Krombacher Hell Gluten Test


  1. Adam from Adelaide, Australia

    Thanks Steffen, a beer from my home town of Adelaide. A real success story of a beer for the past twenty five years, and from a family business too.
    Unexpectedly you got a gluten result. Which is a real shame as you would not have got to taste it.
    Though it’s been nine years now, I remember as a really good beer.
    Thanks again dude.

    • Les Carter from Australia

      Hi Adam, same here before Coeliac got me in 2010, I used to love Coopers Beers, Pale Ales, Sparking Ale and their Stout, best beers in Australia. A pity the gluten in them is too high for us these days.

      I would love to get my lips around a low gluten dark beer or stout, any suggestions?

  2. Dan

    Thank you for testing out this beer, I drink 2 bottle per night and think it is a very tasty beer with some health benefits. I am gluten intolerant but not celiac and I can have two beers per night with no ill effects. Even through a red line appeared I tend to think this beer is quite low in gluten.

    • Avatar photo

      Hi Dan, thanks for your feedback. I agree a red line doesn’t mean high gluten and with the test kit I used it just shows that a threshold was breached. In this case 20 ppm. But if 4, 20, 40 or 100 ppm can affect people really depends on the gluten level they can handle. In Europe 20 ppm is even the limit to consider something gluten free and between 21 and 100 ppm it has very low gluten.

      Cheers Steffen

  3. Dan H

    has anyone done a test on XXXX gold

  4. JJ

    Been lurking around this site a while. Glad to see a Aussie drop tested here. Gluten Intolerant but not celiac. Your work here has been a godsend in helping me choose what beers to move into. Used to be a big coopers consumer before focusing on lowering the amount of gluten in my life.

    If you ever get the chance to test a Victoria Bitter or a Carlton Draught I’d love to know the results.

    If I ever get my hands on a test kit I’d love to help contribute to your work.

  5. Professor Craig Buttle

    What’s in James Boag premium?

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