test the gluten content of your beer

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Quilmes Gluten Test

During my recent trip to Spain I had the chance to purchase Quilmes, the most famous beer from Argentina. Quilmes is a decent beer, fresh with good aftertaste. And here is the result of the gluten test.

Beer: Quilmes
Producer: Cerveceria y malteria Quilmes
Originating country: Argentina
Brewing location: Argentina
Bottle size: 340 ml = approx. 12 Oz.
Alcohol by volume: 4.9%
Ingredients: water, barley malt, corn, hops, E224

Quilmes Gluten Test Quilmes Gluten Test

Test Kit: GlutenTox Home Kit

I tested with a threshold of 5 ppm. The limit of detection depends on the number of drops taken from the extraction solution, please find some more information here.

Test result: There is no indication of the presence of gluten above 5 ppm. According to the instructions there should appear a clearly visible red test line on the right of the test area ( T ) to indicate the presence of gluten. The blue line on the left test area ( C ) is a control line and indicates that the extract/sample is suitable, the test has been performed correctly and all reagents are active. Again please don’t take any of my test results as a medical advice – please see my facts page.

Quilmes Gluten Test


La Chouffe Blonde Gluten Test


Re-design 2015


  1. Sam

    Has anyone tried Quilmes Clasica?

    I have no reaction to the above beer, but just noticed a change in packaging..

    Not sure if it’s just a rebrand or a new beer altogether.

    Same alcohol content.

    • Avatar photo

      Hi Sam, thanks for letting the people know that you had no reaction. It’s always useful to get the personal experience from people who actually drink the beer. Maybe it’s just a redesign if everything else (abv, ingredients) remain the same. But here in Germany it’s difficult to get this beer so I cannot compare.
      Cheers Steffen

  2. I’m coeliac so generally avoid beer and lager but it’s my only and occasional cheat. I came across this a few years ago in Buenos Aires (before being so strict about my drink of choice) and again recently in a “clearance outlet” here in the UK. No ill effects and brings back great memories, nice to read that the gluten content reported seems low so maybe I’ll sink another next week.

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